Dental Checkup

Mercury Detox

A common treatment option for patients who require dental fillings is using an amalgamation of metals to fill the cavity. The problem with this process is that amalgam fillings contain up to 50% mercury by weight.

That’s right, mercury, the dangerous neurotoxin associated with various degenerative health conditions, dentists are still using till this day. As a Center for Biologic and Aesthetic Dentistry, Dr. Fotek in her holistic approach is committed to protecting the health of her patients, team and environment. She offers Mercury Free and Metal Free dental treatments options by using only biocompatible materials. To those with the negative effect of unhealthy dental materials, Dental Healing Arts is also proud to help with mercury detox treatments.

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How Many Dentists Use Mercury Fillings?  

The answer to this question is rather alarming. About half of practicing dentists in the United States still use mercury-containing materials for their fillings - a substance banned from dentistry in most European countries and Japan.  

If you have an amalgam or silver filling, the chances are that there are traces of mercury being released into your system.

Why Is Mercury Dangerous?  

Recent research indicated that the cumulative effect of the mercury in your body is devastating. Changes in the body’s organ function and chemistry have been linked to the presence of teeth with amalgam fillings. Exposure to mercury can harm your brain, heart, kidneys, lungs and weaken your immune system regardless of age.  

Mercury exposure has been associated with several adverse health conditions, including:  

  • Alzheimer’s disease  
  • Autism spectrum disorders  
  • Recurring headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Heart disease
  • Miscarriage
  • Changes in personality  

How Does Mercury Detox Work?  

Mercury detox can be accomplished through various methods depending on your level of exposure. May times biologic physicians will recommend our patients to undergo chelation after SMART protocol mercury amalgam removal. The chelators will bind to mercury and other heavy metal molecules throughout your body to help eradicate them out of your system.  

Do You Have Amalgam Fillings and Are Interested in Mercury Detox?  

Dental Healing Arts is a Mercury Free and Metal Free office. Mercury can accumulate in your system over the years, slowly causing damage you might not notice until severe health conditions begin to manifest. The sooner you get treatment, the fewer adverse effects you will experience. If you want to learn more about our mercury detox process, call us today.  

Customized Treatments Using a Natural Approach

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Dr Ilona pointing at an x ray on a monitor above her

A Natural Approach to Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

Your Holistic Dentist in Jupiter, FL

Dr. Ilona Fotek

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