What is Cavitation?
A cavitation is a dead bone tissue that developed in the jawbone resulting from disease or improper healing after a dental procedure like an extraction. The jawbone is supposed to heal and fill over the opening left behind once a tooth is removed. However, in some rare cases, the bone never fully recovers and begins to die.

Why Do I Need Care for Cavitations?
Dead bone found inside a cavitations can present a wide range of health problems since they harbor bacteria and toxins. Not only cavitation make it impossible to conduct certain restorative procedures like placing dental implants but they usually result in systemic health problems that are not obviously linked to dental cavitations.
Dental cavitations are the ultimate breeding ground for toxins that can lead to unexpected health issues. The potent toxins and bacteria that are found in the cavitation may activate an immune response. Since the untreated problem never goes away, it may potentially lead to chronic inflammation and autoimmunity. Common autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, and inflammatory bowel disease.
How do we test for cavitations?
We test for dental cavitations by using advanced imaging to look at the jawbone for signs of necrosis. The best imaging techniques involve the use of 3D advanced imaging like CBCT (cone beam CT). Although this technology has been around for around 2 decades, only the newest and most advanced CBCT machines will provide a clear and precise image that will facilitate cavitation identification. Very few dental offices possess this form of advanced imaging and only a holistic approach, like that from Dr. Fotek, will seek out to identify the cavitations.
How Do We Treat Cavitations?
The main objective of treating cavitations is to eradicate the bacteria and toxins found in the affected bone. This is accomplished by removing the infected dead bone tissue by a combination approach using a non-invasive laser, ozone therapy, PRF and traditional surgical techniques. Dr. Fotek, our Board Certified Periodontist, is an expert in managing various forms of bone infections.
Are You Interested in Cavitation Surgery in Jupiter, Florida?
The experts at Dental Healing Arts have the experience and technology necessary to deliver safe and effective treatment for your dental health woes. We are here to answer all your questions. Give us a call to get started!