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CEREC® combines 3D digital imaging, computer-aided design, and manufacturing technology (CAD-CAM). With this technology, your dental crown is designed and perfected digitally before it’s created physically. CEREC technology allows us to fabricate a permanent crown restoration during a single appointment!


No more scheduling 2 (or more) appointments for only one crown! With CEREC®, we can complete your crown in a single appointment.

What is CEREC®?

Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, better known as CEREC®, is the newest and fastest way to have your crown placed. This procedure is done in our office using various computer-assisted technologies, so you can have crowns, veneers, onlays, and inlays done during the same dental visit. Once your procedure is done, you will have a restoration that feels, functions, and looks like your natural tooth.

What are the Advantages of CEREC ®?

  • The CEREC ® procedure will help you save time because your restoration is done in one visit rather than multiple – usually in less than one hour
  • The material is stronger than porcelain crowns
  • The restorations blend in very well with your natural teeth
  • More of the tooth structure can be conserved, which sometimes allows for a partial restoration rather than a complete restoration
  • Better X-ray detection means we can treat tooth decay earlier
  • No need for the dentist to make an impression and send to a lab, leading to faster treatment

Are You Interested in Treatment with CEREC® in Jupiter, FL?

CEREC® restoration is fast, effective, and long-lasting. Unlike unsightly silver dental fillings, CEREC fillings or restorations are made of tooth-colored ceramic (porcelain), so they look natural.

A CEREC® procedure requires less time, less drilling, and fewer injections. It might sound too good to be true, but if you doubt that such good-looking restorations can be made in just three easy steps, Dental Healing Arts is here to change your mind. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Customized Treatments Using a Natural Approach

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Dr Ilona pointing at an x ray on a monitor above her

A Natural Approach to Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

Your Holistic Dentist in Jupiter, FL

Dr. Ilona Fotek

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